it is a hybrid deployment with Entra Connect in place. Some users are already in the cloud (Exhange Online) while some are still On-Prem.
I've set up Purview Information Protection to encrypt mails (also internal mails). Users (cloud and On-Prem) can encrypt mails. While cloud users can open and read encrypted mails like native mails, the On-Prem users can't. They receive a wrapped mail with a message.rpmsg attachment and a link to the enrypted mail portal. But when they click on it, they will be redirected to their On-Prem OWA. So they can't read or even open the encrypted mails. I've also implemented the MSIPC (connector) and the Exchange Server is listed as allowed server. What am I doing wrong, or is it just not possible for On-Prem users to read/open those mails? It is a hybrid deployment with Entra Connect in place. Some users are already in cloude (Exhange Online) while some are still On-Prem.
Thank you in advance for your support.
best regards