Thank you for posting in Q&A forum.
To resolve this issue, please kindly try below steps:
1.Open CMD window as administrator and run below commands to clear the data inside.
b.list disk
c.select disk x
(To select the issued disk)
(To clean data)
e.convert mbr
(To convert disk to mbr type)
f.create partition primary
(To create a new primary partition)
g.format fs=ntfs quick
(Format the new partition with NTFS file system)
2.Try to enable bitlocker via PowerShell command:
Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint "X:" -EncryptionMethod XtsAes128
3.Open CMD window as administrator and run below commands to clear BitLocker metadata
a.manage-bde -status
b.manage-bde -off X:
c.manage-bde -protectors -delete X:
Try enabling BitLocker again.
REF: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/manage-bde
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Best Regards