Hello @Anonymous
Thank you for reaching out to Microsoft Q&A.
Regarding your request to suppress activities/consolidate alerts We strongly recommend utilizing XDR (Extended Detection and Response) Alert Tuning.
False positive (FP) alerts in Microsoft Defender for Identity are alerts that are mistakenly triggered without any actual attack activity or technique being present.
To effectively manage false-positive alerts in Microsoft Defender for Identity, it is essential to regularly review and tune your alert configurations.
Microsoft Defender XDR allows you to tune alerts, which helps reduce the number of alerts that require triage. This tuning process resolves alerts automatically based on your configurations and rule conditions. It is recommended to review your tuning configurations regularly to ensure they remain relevant and effective. For instance, you should check if your existing rules have matches as expected and consider removing any rules that no longer have matches.
To investigate and inspect events, you can utilize advanced hunting. Below are the documents for your reference. Create conditions and save your query to review the events.
Additionally, you can adjust alert thresholds to influence the volume of alerts generated. By customizing the threshold level for specific alerts, you can help reduce false positives. It is advisable to change alert thresholds from the default (High) only after careful consideration, especially if you have NAT or VPN configurations.
For more detailed guidance on adjusting alert thresholds, you can access the relevant settings in Microsoft Defender XDR under Settings > Identities > Adjust alert thresholds.
Daily operational guide - Microsoft Defender for Identity | Microsoft Learn
Investigate alerts in Microsoft Defender XDR - Microsoft Defender XDR | Microsoft Learn
Tune an alert - Microsoft Defender XDR | Microsoft Learn
This is a default behavior of the Defender for Identity where in the security or risky alerts will be captured and projected within Defender to take appropriate actions https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/defender-for-identity/manage-security-alerts
The tune an alert functionality allows you to adjust the alert’s condition parameters. You can define additional conditions that will refine when an alert is triggered. For example:If the sign-in request IDs are differing by milliseconds, you can add conditions that account for this small-time difference (e.g., combining alerts that are triggered within a certain time window).
If the same user (device, IP, etc.) is generating multiple alerts, you might group those under a single alert if the difference in timing is very small.
Ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/defender-xdr/investigate-alerts?tabs=settings
I hope this clarifies things. Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
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