How to debug WolfSSL connection with Azure Event Grid
Dear all,
I'm having trouble to connect to Azure Event Grid using PahoMQTT/WolfSSL.
From what I can tell using WireShark, the connection fails during the TLS negotiation.
The same device, however, can connect without any problems to public MQTT brokers like test.mosquitto.orgusing client certificates.
The setup of the Event Grid appears to be okay as well, since I can connect using different clients and OpenSSL
openssl s_client -connect -cert client.crt -key client.key
According to WireShark, the TLS connection fails during set-up. The device sends its HELO, but never receives any answer:
From what I can tell, the supported cipher suites appear to be okay:
I'd love to get my hands on server side TLS debug logs, but I don't see how this would be possible.
Is there any way to debug this further?