Hi @Robos •
Thanks for posting your question in the Microsoft Q&A forum.
According to your query, the key rotation policy is defined with a lifetime, and the key should rotate within 30 days before expiration. However, if you don't set the key expiration (expire_on
) when creating the key, it will not rotate automatically.
Key rotation policy settings:
- Expiry time: key expiration interval (minimum 28 days). It is used to set expiration date on a newly rotated key (e.g. after rotation, the new key is set to expire in 30 days).
- Rotation types:
Automatically renew at a given time after creation
Automatically renew at a given time before expiry. 'Expiration Date' must be set on the key for this event to fire.
For additional information refer this links: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/managed-hsm/key-rotation#key-rotation-policy
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.
Best Regards,
Harshitha Eligeti.