Hello @石川 敦己,
Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Q&A.
I understand that you are developing a Teams bot to notify users about updates related to your web application, and you are considering publishing it on the Teams Store. You understand that Publisher Verification is required for submission.
Reference: Prepare for app submission checklist
As far as you know, Publisher Verification is typically associated with a Microsoft Entra app. In the context of publishing this Teams app, which Microsoft Entra app should undergo Publisher Verification?
Yes, it should be the Microsoft Entra ID application that was automatically created as a Service Principal instance object(under Enterprise Applications section), when the bot resource was registered under App Registrations section.
Please note that the Application ID will be the same in both the Enterprise Applications as well as in the App Registrations section where you have integrated the Bot application, so you can use the Microsoft Entra Application ID(Bot's App ID) from App Registrations or Enterprise Applications section(as both the App IDs are same).
I hope this above information provided is helpful. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.
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Thanks and Regards,
Sanoop Mohan