Hi, there is not simple option to clear the cache of installed apps. Besides that, you could try to use PowerShell-scripts in combination with the following;
How do we clear the app cache in Intune?
Reputation points
Dear Support,
We have a few business apps installed on dedicated Android devices (without user account). Looking for a way to clear the cache for a particular installed app using Intune.
Please note, we disabled the in-built settings app to prevent users from making changes. Is it possible to define a configuration policy for the chosen app to remove the cache?
2 answers
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MJ-1983 491 Reputation points
2023-02-07T16:45:07.99+00:00 Thank you so much for your help, Crystal-MSFT & patrickmeeuwis!
I submitted my question to the Intune feedback portal.
For the time being, all managed users have the settings option enabled.