Switch an Analysis Services database between ReadOnly and ReadWrite modes
Applies to:
SQL Server Analysis Services
Azure Analysis Services
Fabric/Power BI Premium
SQL Server Analysis Services database administrators can change the read/write mode of a Tabular or Multidimensional database as part of larger effort that distributes a query workload among multiple query-only servers.
A database mode can be switched in several ways. This document explains the following common scenarios:
Interactively using SQL Server Management Studio
Programmatically using AMO
Script using XMLA or TMSL
Switch the read/write mode of a database interactively using Management Studio
In Object Explorer, right-click the database and select Properties.
Note the location. An empty database storage location indicates that the database folder is located in the server data folder.
Right-click the database and select Detach...
Assign a password to the database to be detached, and then click OK to execute the detach command.
In Object Explorer, right-click the Databases folder and select Attach...
In the folder text box, type the original location of the database folder. Alternatively, you can use the browse button (...) to locate the database folder.
Select the read/write mode for the database.
Type the password and click OK to execute the attach command.
Switch the read/write mode to a database programmatically using AMO
In your C# application, invoke SwitchReadWrite()
with the necessary parameters. Compile and execute your code to move the database.
private void SwitchReadWrite(Server server, string dbName, ReadWriteMode dbReadWriteMode)
if (server.Databases.ContainsName(dbName))
Database db;
string databaseLocation;
db = server.Databases[dbName];
databaseLocation = db.DbStorageLocation;
if (databaseLocation == null)
string dataDir = server.ServerProperties["DataDir"].Value;
string dataDir = server.ServerProperties["DataDir"].Value;
string dataDir = server.ServerProperties["DataDir"].Value;
String[] possibleFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(dataDir, string.Concat(dbName,"*"), SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
if (possibleFolders.Length > 1)
List<String> sortedFolders = new List<string>(possibleFolders.Length);
databaseLocation = sortedFolders[sortedFolders.Count - 1];
databaseLocation = possibleFolders[0];
server.Attach(databaseLocation, dbReadWriteMode);
Switch the read/write mode to a database by script using XMLA
The following instructions apply to Multidimensional databases and Tabular databases at compatibility mode 1050, 1100, or 1103.
In Object Explorer, right-click the database and select Properties.
Note the location. An empty database storage location indicates that the database folder is located in the server data folder.
Right-click the database and select Detach...
Open a new XMLA tab in Management Studio.
Copy the following script template for XMLA:
<Detach xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine"> <Object> <DatabaseID>%dbName%</DatabaseID> <Password>%password%</Password> </Object> </Detach>
with the name of the database and%password%
with the password. The % characters are part of the template and must be removed.Execute the XMLA command.
Copy the following script template for XMLA in a new XMLA tab
<Attach xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine"> <Folder>%dbFolder%</Folder> <ReadWriteMode xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2008/engine/100">%ReadOnlyMode%</ReadWriteMode> </Attach>
with the complete UNC path of the database folder,%ReadOnlyMode%
with the corresponding value ReadOnly or ReadWrite, and%password%
with the password. The % characters are part of the template and must be removed.Execute the XMLA command.
See Also
High availability and Scalability in Analysis Services
Attach and Detach Analysis Services Databases
Database Storage Location
Database ReadWriteModes
Attach Element
Detach Element
ReadWriteMode Element
DbStorageLocation Element