Will Document Intelligence Custom Extraction support Microsoft Office Documents in the future?
Customer wants to know whether Document Intelligence Custom extraction will support .docx files. If this forum is not the proper place to post this question then how can I get a Roadmap for Document Intelligence features?
Compatibility of Azure Document Intelligence Commitment Tiers with Batch Analysis Requests
Are Azure Document Intelligence commitment tiers compatible with batch analysis requests? I have not seen any documentation which describes this interaction. For example, assume the following: I am using a Document Intelligence instance in the East US…
why am I getting this error
Why am I getting this: 401__ Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource. apim-request-id:…
Document Intelligence Custom Template AKS deployment and access to trained models
I am following this documentation to deploy an custom document intelligence container to AKS. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/document-intelligence/containers/install-run?view=doc-intel-4.0.0&tabs=custom I deployed the custom…
How to train different formats of invoice when already a model exist with different set of data
How to train different formats of invoice when already a model exist with different set of data.If i want to train a model with different format of invoice do i have to delete old invoices.
Azure document intelligence pre built Invoice model improvements and pricing.
I want to know what are the improvements that have been made to the invoice model since V3.0 by now. We are considering a model upgrade. I was unable to find sufficient details in the documentation to do a proper comparison. Also, in pricing does the…
Text Analysis in PDF Documents with Azure AI Services
Hello everyone, I am working on a project where I regularly handle extensive collections of PDF documents filled with specific technical terms and abbreviations. These documents also vary greatly in layout and formulation, presenting a unique challenge…
Decent results using the Custom Classification model for invoices got worse after increasing the number of training documents
We initially trained a model to detect invoices using 10 documents. We saw decent results, but found that some obvious invoice documents (to a human) resulted in very low confidence levels. We then increased the number of training documents to 99 and…
Supported documents Document Intelligence
Hi, Does anybody know if PDF and Word documents are both supported by the document intelligence service? On the sales page (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/ai-services/ai-document-intelligence), it only states that PDF files are supported,…
How to batch create a searchable pdf using azure document intelligence python API
Hi All, I have stored some PDFs in Azure Blob storage and I am trying to batch OCR these documents while also creating a searchable PDF. Unfortunately at the moment I'm getting a file with the following extension "filename.pdf.ocr.json" which…
form recognizer mistranslation when processing multiple documents
i am testing a simple logic app that translates multiple files into english. when I run one file through it, it is very good quality but when i run multiple files the translation is absolutely trash. The test file I am using is a UN paper so I can…
How to summarize pdf, .json or .txt file using Azure AI?
For a company, I am experimenting with Azures AI playground. I want to generate a summary of a Dutch medical document containing notes over a certain period of time. Does Azure provide any facilities for this? So far, I have tried the language…
Document Intelligence General Document model not support keyValuePair
We are getting feature not supported error when I use "prebuilt-layout" modelID and sending keyValuePair feature option as specified in this link…
Problem with new limits in version 4.0 GA for composed models
Hello, According to the documentation, version 4.0 GA offers an increased limit of models (500) that can be included in a composed model. I am able to create a classification model that contains more than 200 classes, but when I try to create a compsed…
Poor results with custom classification
I was trying to use the Azure Document Intelligence custom classification model to classify invoice layouts and the service provided very poor results. All my documents are invoices and not different types (e.g. receipts). Ideally I wanted to build a…
How to fix Training data is missing: Could not find any training data at the given path
How can I resolve the error 'Training data is missing: Could not find any training data at the given path' when creating a custom model for documents containing my organization's data? I am using the following C# code to create the model. Can you assist…
Use Document intelligence to summarize File from Copilot Studio
How can I create a PowerAutomate Flow within Copilot Studio to attach a File to get it summarized?
Optimal Labeling Approach for Date Extraction in Custom Model
I’m seeking guidance on the best way to label date-related data for a custom extraction model. Below is an example of the type of data I need to extract, which varies in format as shown in the table. Key Questions: Should I label Day, Month, Year, and…
Microsoft Document Intelligence: how to download the fields & content that was discovered in an invoice?
Hi, I've successfully loaded and analysed an invoice in MS document intelligence studio. The extract shows me an overview of all discovered fields (metadata) and their corresponding data. Some data can be seen in tables and furthermore I can see the…
How do I extract images from a pdf
I do extract images from a PDF