Issue with git integration in fabric "branch out to new workspace"
I did the git integration with fabric and I use the "branch out to new workspace" option. I have the following error which does not provide too much detail. Something went wrong Please check the technical details for more information. If you…
Package not updated on redeploy
I tried deploying an app to service fabric but the latest code was not picked up. It is always picking up the older code. What can I do here to help make sure the latest code is picked up? Perhaps the version matters?.
Como faço para assinar o Provedores de Recursos e Registrar no Microsof Fabric e depois dar o comando no terminal ?
Não consigo fazer a assinatura no Microsoft Fabric através do Azure CLI , onde deveria obter um terminal para digitar "az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Fabric" e no Azure PowerShell e comentar:"Register-AzResourceProvider…
Config only update on Service Fabric 10.1 using --force-restart does not restart applications
All of my applications in my service fabric cluster read configuration directly from Azure KeyVault on start up. To change the configuration we do a config only update of a deployed application changing a "timestamp" value in the service's…
Host is not joining to Workflow Manager farm
We have a SharePoint Workflow Manager Farm (SharePoint 2016 on-premise environment) running on a single server. We were trying to upgrade Azure Service Fabric version with version 9.1.1121.9590 on Workflow Manager server Which requires to…
sfctl Connection Errors with Self-Signed Certificate on Windows 11
I am running sfctl on Windows 11 and have the latest version of it. I followed the official guide for setup the sfctl Environment SF Cluster Version(Windows Scaleset):…
How to fix Service Fabric nodes that are Down??
I have a Service Fabric cluster, with 5 nodes and 1 application type. During a week there are from 3-6 applications deployed (using Azure DevOps pipeline) of this type and at some point of the time some System partition or Nodes start to fail. Sometimes…
Failed to create Livy Session for executing notebook
Hi, I'm experiencing problems running my notebooks. The error message I get is: "Notebook execution failed at Notebook service with http status code - '200', please check the Run logs on Notebook, additional details - 'Error name - Exception, Error…
Salesforce Data in Microsoft Fabric with Organizational Account
Hello, I am using Dataflow Gen 2 in Microsoft Fabric to ingest data from Salesforce using the Salesforce Objects connector. The connection is made using an Organizational Account (OAuth 2.0). However, I noticed that there's no option to provide…
update Microsoft Azure Service Fabric ver 5.1.163 to ver 9.1 CU2 (9.1.1583.9590)
Hello, I need to update Service Fabric from version 5.1.163 to 9.1 CU2 (9.1.1583.9590). I was advised to perform a progressive update, first upgrading through all the major versions as follows: 5.1.163 > 6.x 6.x > 7.x 7.x > 8.x 8.x > 9.1…
VMSS max CPU usage is 100% while average usage is less than 40%. How to achieve better load balancing?
Hi team, I have a service using Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set that facing constant latency issue. On checking the CPU usage, I found that MAX CPU usage is always 100%. I have already scaled VMSS max instances to 100 (max possible value) but still…
when will the updated libcurl 7.32.0 < 8.9.1 DoS (CVE-2024-7264) version available in Service Fabric Runtime for Windows
We have Azure Service Fabric installed on windows Server 2019 as part of SharePoint Workflows. We recently receive multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2024-7264) which reports C:\Program Files\Microsoft Service Fabric\bin\Fabric\Fabric.Code\libcurl.dll version…
connect to fabric database using jdbc and oauth
Hi, after successfully connection using oauth flow and reciveing a token for scope using my access code I can get a refresh code and using that refresh code I can get multiple access codes…
Synapse v/s Fabric
Hello Team, We have a requirement to build a DWH with existing structured data volumes of 5TB and would have to ingest 500GB of data on a daily basis. We are trying to figure out which one to choose between Microsoft Fabric and Azure Synapse Analytics.…
Best practice for service running as local user
We are working on changing our .NET service from admin to local user. We want to know if there is anything we can follow to deal with issues regarding losing admin privilege. Here is our application manifest: <Principals> <Users> …
Fabric Native Execution
Hi , Is the native execution avaialble for free trails? I signed up for a free trial , but when i had attempted the Fabric Native Execuiton, The launch of Spark App failed as below at…
Is Service Fabric supported on .NET 8 runtime
Hi We are currently running on .NET 7 and also have .NET 6 installed as part of the individual component and would like to upgrade to .NET 8, but we make use of Service Fabric runtime 9.0.1107.9590 and I saw on the official…
How can we force remove an application stuck in a deleting state with services in an unknown state
We have an application that is stuck in a deleting state in Service Fabric. The application started out with 4 running services all in an Ok state. 1 was successfully removed, 2 are in an unknown state, and one seems to be undead and cannot be…
Azure VMSS scale up time estimate?
We have 21 machines in our VMSS in our Service Fabric production cluster. We decided to scale it up to more CPU/RAM. How much time does it usually take? I need to set downtime maintenance window. I know that SF updates VMs by upgrade domains but we…
Access Azure Key vault through Azure function in Fabric Data factory
Hello, I am trying to execute an Azure function deployed on Fabric data factory that fetches Azure Key vault values. I have already assigned Key vault admin to the Fabric user . The function executes ok when I debug & execute it through Visual…