Android app nowgetting "requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified" crash
I have a Visual Studio 2022 Xamarin Android app (I know it's now unsupported) that has worked fine for many years. It uses NuGet packages for Firebase, etc. After November 4 (probably the Firebase November 15 release), when the app is in the…
MAUI: Full content is not showing on the UI with Webview
I am using WebView to show Html content on the UI. I want few customizations in the content like different color for headings and custom font for the entire data. So I used a custom webview like below: DailyReadingAndroidWebView public class…
flipping card update
I create a live tile using System.Diagnostics; namespace LiveTileControl.Controls; public partial class LiveTileControl : ContentView { private bool _isFlipping; public LiveTileControl() { InitializeComponent(); …
Exception when linking to Microsoft Store Purchase API library from Blazor MAUI Windows App
Hi, I am have written multile Microsoft Store Apps in the UWP and WPF frameworks and published them to the Store. These apps all have to and do call the Microsoft Store Purchase API. Now I'm building a Blazor MAUI Store App and have found apps in the…
how to draw space with color in
I am using canvas to draw text in and how to draw space with some color ? for example: I will draw this is my text the it is empty in s and i I want to using some color to draw the space. how to do it?
how to translate matrix in
I want to use canvas in and want to draw cube on it. I create custom view and rewrite ondraw how to draw one cube using canvas? if there is x,y,z and width height how to draw it?
windows phone live tile replica don't work
Hello, I am a big fan of Microsoft live tiles (Windows phone days) So I made my own <StackLayout Padding="0"> <control:LiveTileControl Title="My live tile" …
flayout navigation - how to deal with rasing memory?
Hi, I used flayout navigation. when navigate beween pages it consume alot of memory. In net 8. Not relase the previous page. Does to use GC.Collect()? Is allowed ? Thanks, public void Navigate(string navigateTo) { if (navigateTo ==…
Certificate error connecting Android Emulator to API on localhost
I'm building a .NET Maui app using VS2022. I'm testing it using the Android emulator. The app gets its data from an API that is running on my local machine. The API is called from C# code but also from JavaScript in a WebView component. I've been…
How to enable typing and search functionality inside a Picker in .NET MAUI?
How to enable typing and search functionality inside a Picker in .NET MAUI?
Image Resizing issue on MAUI android app
Requirement :The MAUI android app allows users to capture / pick 75 images with any size and orientation. Here the challenge is to resize these 75 images into a standard size such that it fits the screen and the images maintain its aspect ratio. I have…
InputTransparent not working on a BoxView?
It appears the InputTransparent is not working properly? I set it to false, yet any controls underneath still receive taps. <AbsoluteLayout VerticalOptions="Fill" BackgroundColor="#5774ED"> <ActivityIndicator…
MAUI: Blank space on the UI in between the contents and font style issue
I have a label, image and a webview on the UI. My XAML: <ScrollView Grid.Row="0" Orientation="Vertical" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"> <VerticalStackLayout Grid.Row="0" …
Unable to do Production Build for iOS on Visual Studio
Whenever we try to build, we get the following error. The certificate 'Apple Distribution:… does not match … However the certificate exists on both the Windows Build Machine and the Mac Agent. This then results in the following error. C:\Program…
Has anyone successfully built xamarin ios project on AzureDevOps using multi targeting libraries with TargetFrameworks netstandard2.1 & net8.0
We migrated our Xamarin.Forms project to .NET MAUI (.net 8.0). We are still supporting our Xamarin.Forms project. The common organization level libraries now target multiple frameworks netstandard2.1;net8.0. .NET MAUI pipelines are working good. xamarin…
Issue Populating CollectionView with ObservableCollection in .NET MAUI
Hi, I am facing an issue in my .NET MAUI application where I am trying to populate a CollectionView using an ObservableCollection<LeaveSummary> in my ViewModel. The data is correctly fetched, and I can see the ObservableCollection.Count in a Label,…
Observable Collection OnPropertyChanged Performance Issue
While Updating Values to Observable Collection, OnPropertyChanged() takes a lot of time to load and render in UI. Because of this it's takes around a minute to update the list and taking lot of time for updating if few more list updating at the same…
Maui Performance Issue while set Application.Current.Mainpage as My CustomPage
In Maui, when we set MainPage using Application.Current.MainPage right? there while I set my custompage as MainPage its take around 15 to 30 seconds to initialize page in UI part, apart from the loading custompage code for example: …
Cannot parse "7,345.55" to 7344.55 maui blazor
I am not able parse Close value example close has "7,324.55" its is giving as 4550. string clsd = columns[8].Replace("\"", ""); bool isCloseParsed = false; var close = 0.0f; if…
how to disable AOT in Maui
how to disable AOT in Maui My MauiApp runs ONLY in 'debug' mode! According to the .net, VS, Maui community I found many recommendations to disable AOT. Although, I never got an error msg to this direction! In .csproj I tested with 'all' combinations…