When I post message to channel using graph api, I can't see the message.
Hello everyone. Hope you are doing well. Currently, I am working on Microsoft API and going to send a message automatically using graph api. Here are reference links what I am using. …
How do I filter calendarView based on attendees?
How do I filter calendarView based on attendees? I want to do something similar to this: …
Setting Co-Organizer for Events Using Microsoft Graph API
Is it possible to set a co-organizer for a recurring event using the Microsoft Graph API? The current process requires manual adjustments in the event options, which can be cumbersome. Any guidance on how to achieve this through the API would be…
Set-MgUserLicense Error message
I have been trying to get Set-MgUserLicense to work for days now but every time I run this script I get this error message. Set-MgUserLicense : One or more parameters of the operation 'assignLicense' are missing from the request payload. The missing…
Rate Limiting on Subscription Service
Hello! We are building an app that retrieves subscriptions from your graph api, and we have been running into 429 errors on Subscription Service requests. On the docs, it looks like the rate limit is 25 requests every 20 seconds— is there a way to…
401 Unauthorized when requesting Graph API /me/messages
I am facing an error whenever i send a GET request to the Graph API to the endpoints /me/contacts or /me/messages. It gives me the following response error: GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages net::ERR_ABORTED 401 (Unauthorized) I am using…
Power BI report displaying licensing usage
I am looking to create a power bi report that to publish in a Microsoft team that will display license data from Entra ID, making it easier for IT staff to reference. How can I connect power bi to this data?
What are the service limits for Insights?
Hi, can someone help clarify the service limits for Insights? Is "10,000 API requests in a 10-minute period" per app, per tenant, per user or some other factor? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/throttling-limits#insights-service-limits
Trying to use New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition and need to know the correct way to use AdditionalNotificationRecipients in -BodyParameter
I'm using New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition to create Access Reviews. All properties are defined in @param block and using -BodyParameter. I'm trying to use AdditionalNotificationRecipients but when I check the Access Review after executing…
Graph Drive GetItems Filter has no effect
Hi There When I use this query: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives/DRIVEID/items?%24filter=name%20eq%20%27TEST%27 to filter my drive for items with name = TEST i get returned ALL items on my drive. This was did not behave like this before. What did…

Graph API not working in SPFX webpart for few tenants
In SPFx webpart trigger Graph call and got console error "Error: To view the information on this page, ask a global or SharePoint admin in your organization to go to the API management page in the new SharePoint admin center." and for one…
Graph API: how to access a shared driveItem from an external tenant
Hi there, @DanstanOnyango-6080 I'm trying to share an Excel file to another tenant user using my M365 app. The procedure that I'm describing works fine inside my own tenant. In my example a user "stephan@Anonymous .loc" shares an…
How do you re-assign a primary user to an Intune device with the Graph API
We're struggling with finding a way to use the Graph API to re-assign a primary user to a device in Intune. We've built a custom loaning center application where we'd need to replace the primary user whenever a device is checked out so that the customer…
How to ask OnlineMeetings.Read.All App scope on Graph ?
Hello, I got some troubles with this app scope. It seems that Graph does not accept granting the OnlineMeetings.Read.All App scope…
Can't patch user identities despite permissions granted
I have an app registered on Azure AD and granted it User.ManageIdentities.All permission. I try to update the user's identities with patch request: PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/<tenant-id>/users/<user-id> added a…

Graph API FindMeetingTimes Not Working for accounts with specific time zone work hours
I am using Graph API FindMeetingTimes for my organization to getMeetingTimeSuggestions. It works for everyone in my organization except for those whose work hours are set in India Standard Time which is very strange. For accounts whose work hours are set…
eligibilityScheduleInstances endpoint not working as documented?
Hello, I am working with Microsoft Graph API and using Privileged Identity Management (PIM) for groups. I attempted to use the following endpoint: Privileged Access Group - List Eligibility Schedule Instances. The first GET request from the example in…
How to list/download file blocked by DLP?
Hello. I am developing an application that uses Graph API SDK. The application uses the oauth application access. I am trying to download through Microsoft Graph SDK an evidence file which was blocked by Microsoft DLP. So my need is to download files…
Granting Recording Access to Other Users in Microsoft Teams Meeting via Graph API
Hi, I am trying to create a Microsoft Calendar event using the Microsoft Graph API. However, after joining the meeting, only the organizer has the option to record it. I need to grant recording access to certain users from the same organization so…
Hi ! I'm using Graph API to list emails using batching. I'm trying to handle correctly throttling errors of MailboxConcurrency. I've noticed in my logs some occurences where I'm still getting this error even when I apply a retry of only 1 concurrent…