Retrieve "configurableProperties" value once set by the admin in an organisation for an app in Teams?
I have an app that is published to the Microsoft Store, which contains the following in its app manifest file, "configurableProperties": [ "name", "smallImageUrl", "largeImageUrl", "shortDescription",…
Microsoft removed Graph permission "Directory.Write.Restricted"
Hello, Microsoft removed Graph permission "Directory.Write.Restricted" without any preannouncement. We cannot use Update-MgDevice for devices in administrative units any more. Directory.Write.Restricted available: Microsoft Graph permissions…
Graph API permanentDelete sends files to the SharePoint recycle bin
Good afternoon. We have a problem deleting files from SharePoint using Graph API. The context is a document management application that externally handles files located on SharePoint sites. This application uses the endpoint ‘POST…
Unable to Post a Message to Teams Channel with Graph API Client + C#
Hi, We are trying to post a message to teams channel, with Channel.SendMessage delegated permissions. And here is the code snippet. var options = new OnBehalfOfCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = AzureAuthorityHosts.AzurePublicCloud, ``` }; var…
Missing property value enrollmentProfileName for managed devices in Microsoft Graph
When attempting to retrieve data from, the enrollmentProfileName property consistently returns null. In contrast, when calling, the property…
Is fabric providing any GraphAPI for fetching table data?
I have uploaded some csv data on fabric, for this i created workspace and in workspace i create lakehouse, then in this lakehouse i upload a file and then change this file into table, now i want to fetch this tables data using graph api. i can't use odbc…
I am constantly getting the error "Error executing the request" in response at regular time intervals on using the sdk method of graphClient.auditLogs().signIns() in my code.
I have been getting the error response of "Error executing the request" in my code at regular time intervals on calling the graphClient.auditLogs().signIns() method. There does not seem to be any helpful documentation or source online which…
Update-MgAdminSharepointSetting: Too many retries performed. More than 3 retries
I am trying to update Sharepoint Tenant settings with 1260+ domains for sharingAllowedDomainList using either on of the following cmdlets: Getting the same issue with: $Uri = ""…
locked out of my tenant due to conditional access
Global admin lockout scenario via Conditional Access.
Connecting Microsoft Graph Education API to Power BI
With the deprecation of Insights for leaders in Microsoft SDS and Teams, a need has arisen to connect to the Microsoft Graph Education API for data collection to build a Power BI dashboard. Is there a reliable method for establishing this connection,…
Microsoft Graph connector support Anonymous Proxy?
Microsoft Graph connector support Anonymous Proxy? If so were should be configured ? on WINHTTP on IE settings? or somewhere else? Most Enterprise customer can't bypass proxy. Regards Daniele
How to Retrieve Children of OneDrive Personal Folder Named 'v1.0' Using MS Graph ?
Hi, I’m trying to retrieve the children of a folder named v1.0. The response is a 404 error. According to the instructions here, the request should be GET /me/drive/items/root:/Test/v1.0:/children Interestingly, when the folder name is v1.1, the…
How can I search for a specific word or phrase in SharePoint List items using filter queries?
I want to get all SharePoint Online list items which contains a word or a phrase in one of their columns. I tried using contains operator in a filter query parameter, but it did not work. See below screenshot. Reference:…
How to write an API call to get the list of all shared Mailboxes
I need to get the list of all shared mailboxes from graph api call
SharePointAPI about web_link
In SharePointAPI, I want to determine if a file included in the “GET /drives/{drive-id}/items/{item-id}/children” API response I want to determine if the file included in the “GET /drives/{drive-id/items/{item-id/children” API response is a…
Sort order for Sharepoint API “GET sites?search=*”. From the above site, we can determine that the “GET sites?search=*” API does not support sorting. However, the “GET sites?search=&orderby=name” API has changed the sort order compared to the…
How to generate a report for the list of all enterprise application that is using a single sign on (SSO)
Please asking for your help on how to generate a report to view the list of all Enterprise applications using a single sign on authentication via in a powershell. Thank you in advance
Microsoft graph dynamic distribution list members
Since Exchange Web Services will be discontinued on October 1, 2026 and its successor is Microsoft Graph (1). Does the Graph API currently support dynamic distribution lists? The last information I found was that 2021 (2). …
I am trying to read outlook mail attachments but I am getting 401 saying Error message: The tenant for tenant guid '****' does not exist.
'm actually working on reading outlook emails. I have one personal microsoft account connected to the outlook and Azure active directory tenant. Have registered my application. Have a paid office 365 license and a free trial Azure AD account (with same…
About web_link in SharePoint's API for getting a list of folder file lists. I would like to ask about the file property in the “GET /drives/{drive-id}/items/{item-id}/children” API response. I would like to know all the files…