Token consumption
Hi, I wanted to check how many tokens are being used up by different models in azure openai, in the metrics section I am not able to see the exact token usage. On the count aggeration it is giving 4 what is that suppose to indicate. I have option for…
Discrepancies in Evaluation Metrics for Identical Outputs in Azure AI Studio Using GPT-3.5-Turbo Prompt Flows
Hi, I have a question about evaluation metrics for question-answering with context using GPT-3.5-turbo in Prompt Flow. I created two prompt flows to generate model answers and assess performance metrics. Both flows have identical structures, with the…

Azure AI Document Intelligence latency in metrics tab is showing less than 1 sec but in our application it's taking more than 5,6 sec even sometime more than 10 sec. is metrics tab data is wrong or any issue with my implementation?
Hi, Azure AI Document Intelligence latency in metrics tab is showing less than 200ms but in our application it's taking more than 5,6 sec even sometime more than 10 sec for every request. is metrics tab data is wrong or any issue with my…

Active worker nodes usage in HDinsight cluster for the period of last one year
Hi Team, Can someone help us to get the Active worker nodes usage in HDinsight cluster for the period of last one year. Thanks & Regards, Udaya
Model Data Collector - Preprocessor Status Queued stuck.
Hello, I am facing some issues while setting up my monitoring tools. The status of the Model Data Collector - Preprocessor is stuck on "Queued". I have 12 quotas available in my subscription, so I am unsure why the job is waiting for an…
Retrieving Evaluation Metrics from Azure AI Studio using C#
I am working on fetching evaluation metrics like groundedness and coherence from Azure AI Studio using C#. The Microsoft documentation provides Python code, but I couldn't find equivalent C# examples. I have tried using the Metrics library for C#, but it…

Log Analytics Workspace not showing Azure SQL logs
Is there a particular reason why my Analytics Logs in workspace will not show my SQL database that configured to have Diagnostics Logs recorded onto this workspace in Azure? Diagnostics Logs enabled for an Azure SQL database > configured the logs to…

Azure Web App metrics - Memory working set does not show correct memory usage
We have a web app and there are some process running in the webapp, as we can see in below image that 9.8gb of memory is being utilized, But in web app metrics there is no spike at all in metric "Average Memory working set/Memory working set",…
Time Series Analysis Tools to Replace Metrics Advisor
I am working on designing alerting system based on Metric Advisor. However, came across the new notification about "Metrics Advisor is being retired in October 2026." Can we still grassroot projects based on Metric Advisor? Are there any…

Get-AzMetric command is returning error when trying to access App Service Plan metrics
$metricParams = @{ ResourceId = "/subscriptions/$($subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$($resourceGroup)/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/$($appServicePlanName)/Metrics" MetricName = "CPU Percentage" Aggregation =…
What does Azure SQL MI space used Metrics value represents?
What is this metrics value means in Azure SQL MI represents as the value is different from actual storage space used. Is it the used space by the data or total space used including log files and other files?
Is there some way to create the metrics based on the logs from the azure console ? I have a requirement to filter the logs based on error code and create a metrics for that ?
I have a requirement from from the container logs i need to filter out the logs with error and create a metrics from the azure console. Is there some way to achieve this from the console , as i see there seems no option to create the metrics from logs on…
How to check how long message stay in Service Bus
Hello Support team! In our project we are using azure service bus and azure functions. We are faced performance issues. So we want to check how long the message stay in service bus: average, 50 percentile, 99 percentile. Is it possible to check this time…
How to calculate the network percentage of virtual machines with its utilization metrics ? there will be different sizes of vms with different capacities so any formula to calculate it ?
So i am trying to calculate the network % of virtual machines as it is shown in advisory but could not able to crack the formula for it. Virtual machine are of different sizes and contains different metrics . So we need proper formula to get the network…
Azure Metrics Alert Threshold Value Question
Hello, I am having a hard time trying to understand these threshold values: I have a vm that has 89.3 percent free I want an Azure Metric to send an alert when the free space is less than 15 percent. So i am testing out this Signal. How should i be…
Logs fields loged by Azure for APIM
Hello , I want to understand the below fields that generated in my azure logs for infrastructure .
Azure Advisor 'Shutdown or resize your virtual machine' Cost recommendation.
I'm trying to see if there is a way of changing Azure Advisor Cost recommendations so that they look at a virtual machines performance over a month, rather than a week? In particular it is the 'Shut down or resize your virtual machine' recommendation I…
How can I contact the Azure Metrics Advisor team to add more connection methods for DataLake?
I am from Dynamics 365 SCM team. Our team is very interested with Azure Metrics Advisor and try to connect our datasource to it. But we find our datasource Dataverse is not included in it. And we also tried to connect it with Dataverse managed DataLake.…

Azure Log Search API to Grab Information
Hello, Thanks ahead of time for any information you can provide. What I am attempting to do is this. I have a custom query that grabs the heal status of our vm. The in that query results i have the vms information like it if is health or unhealthy so…
How to collect/ view change log of Ppplication gateway v2 version
We want to have a track of all the changes that are been done to the application gateway V2 version and want to integrate those logs with the SIEM/XDR tool. Please guide us on where we will be able to collect those change/audit logs.