I'd suggest creating a ticket here with Azure support.
Problemas para crear cuenta en Azure for Students debido al "University ID"
No puedo crear cuentas para usar Azure for Students en clase con mis estudiantes porque el sistema me rechaza el "University ID". Esto está relacionado con el dominio de nuestros correos electrónicos, que es eepmad.com. Al solicitar a Microsoft que lo incluyese como centro de estudios oficial, me rechazan la solicitud con este error:
“For a domain to successfully pass the vetting process the primary goal of the organization must be to provide academic education like K-12 or Higher education.
Upon investigations it seems that this domain “eepmad.com” provides commercial training courses, for this reason this request will be rejected.”
Por otro lado, desde el soporte de Microsoft Office 365 nos dicen:
"Por nuestra parte la validación del tenant educativo está correcta.
Le recomendamos que abra una incidencia con el soporte de Azure directamente desde la página en la que están intentando realizar la validación.
A mayores, podría indicarnos la URL que utilizan para dicha validación."
¿Que puede estar mal alineado o mal dado de alta?
Me resisto a pensar que por alguna cuestión administrativa no vayamos a poder usar Azure y que los estudiantes ya vayan con algo de experiencia en cloud computing...
Cualquier idea o ayuda es más que bienvenida
Un saludo
2 answers
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ajkuma 27,946 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
2020-04-21T19:27:24.567+00:00 To benefit the community translated the question in English.
Nayra, hope your issue was sorted out, as DSPatrick rightly suggested, connecting with the support will be the best option for such scenario.
Apologies for the late update here.//
[ Problems creating an account in Azure for Students due to "University ID"
I cannot create accounts to use Azure for Students in class with my students because the system rejects the "University ID". This is related to the domain of our emails, which is eepmad.com. When requesting Microsoft to include it as an official study center, they reject the request with this error: “For a domain to successfully pass the vetting process the primary goal of the organization must be to provide academic education like K-12 or Higher education . Upon investigations it seems that this domain “eepmad.com” provides commercial training courses, for this reason this request will be rejected. ”On the other hand, from Microsoft Office 365 support they tell us: "For our part, the validation of the educational tenant is correct. We recommend that you open an incident with Azure support directly from the page where you are trying to perform the validation. A major, could tell us the URL they use for such validation. "
What can be misaligned or poorly discharged?
I am reluctant to think that for some administrative reason we are not going to be able to use Azure and that the students already have some experience in cloud computing ...
Any idea or help is more than welcome
a greeting ]
//@Nayra, We cannot completely understand your question as this is an English global support. Henceforth, it would be helpful, if you can translate your question in English Or you can consider support in other languages from here: https://azure.microsoft.com/support/options/
Apologies for the late update on this. Thank you!