@Lokesh-2414 Thanks for asking question! As per New Behavior as mentioned here in this document:
Only phrases matching the full phrase query will be returned. Example as A Super Bowl query returns approximately the following items:
'<em>super bowl</em> is super awesome with a bowl of chips'
Please note that the term bowl of microcircuits does not have a highlight since it does not match the complete phrase.
Exact Phrase match and proper result shows in highlight is not working ?
Reputation point
1) Highlight from top of the document - currently it shows randomly document
2) Exact match as similar in phrase
3) not highlight relevant words like If I search "Top company" then it will highlight exact match "Top company" instead of "Top" of the brand "company"
Request of Post Api
"search": "\"Top company\"",
"count": true,
"skip": 0,
"top": 100,
"highlight": "content-1000",
"filter": "contractId ne 15785",
"queryType": "full",
"searchMode": "all",
"scoringProfile": "exactFirst",
"highlightPreTag": "<strong>",
"highlightPostTag": "</strong>"
1 answer
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SnehaAgrawal-MSFT 22,346 Reputation points