I am backing up all SQL databases for an SQL Server using Microsoft Data Protection Manager (DPM).
Most of the Databases backup successfully except the 2 largest Databases which always fail after a few minutes. They then try to run a consistency check but that also always fails with the below error:
Affected area: SERVER_NAME\database_name
Occurred since: 08/07/2020 12:50:45
Description: The replica of SQL Server 2016 database SERVER_NAME\database_name on server.domain.com is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. You can recover data from existing recovery points, but new recovery points cannot be created until the replica is consistent.
For SharePoint farm, recovery points will continue getting created with the databases that are consistent. To backup inconsistent databases, run a consistency check on the farm. (ID 3106)
DPM encountered an error while performing an operation for \?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy81\SQL_Data\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\database_name.mdf on server.domain.com (ID 2033 Details: The system cannot find the file specified (0x80070002))
More information
Recommended action: 1) Refer to the detailed error code in the description above. Retry this operation after the issue has been fixed.
2) If the error was due to insufficient resources, then it could be a transient failure and you should retry this operation after some time.
Synchronize with consistency check.
Run a synchronization job with consistency check...
Resolution: To dismiss the alert, click below
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,