Hi @Luigi Aversa ,
In a "normal way", your app service have only files from your ArtifactStagingDirectory.
You CI/CD have 2 parts: builds and Reelease management.
If you have source / build folder on your VM / app service, your error are in Pipeline process.
A pipeline process work like this:
- download source
- execute build (npm install, restore nugget, build for .net / java apps, etc.)
- Execute tests if you have some
- The most important: create an artefact and publish
This artefact are your app files you want to deploy. In my exemple below, you can see i have a build process for my .net core app who set result in artifactstaggingdirectory. The second process make a zip from this directory and publish that. So, in my release management, i have only my artifactstaggingdirectory files.
It's a good practice. For exemple, a security warning : in source and build files, you have sometimes necessary files for testing, and you don't want to have this files on your production server !
I hope i help you. If not, you can sent screen ;)