Thanks for asking question! If I have understood you right, you're hosting Web App in App Service on a Linux machine and you want SSH into your app's container. If so, you may want to investigate below article explaining on details steps to be followed for connecting.
Not able to establish SSH connection to linux remote machine using service connection in azure
Nishant Kumar
Reputation point
Hi Community members,
I am new to azure.
I am generating the private key using puttygen and passing it to service connection which in turn tries to connect to linux remote machine.
When i run the pipe line i get below error: 2020-07-03T09:24:37.9310331Z ##[error]Failed to connect to remote machine. Verify the SSH service connection details. Error: Error: Cannot parse privateKey: PPK private key integrity check failed.
While I am able to connect to the remote machine using same credential using putty
Can somebody help?
Thanks in advance.