I am using InkCanvas control to draw the path over the image (which is inside the grid control). My requirement is to draw a path using single finger and zoom the image using double finger. But the actual behavior of Inkpresenter is when setting the InkPresenter's InputDeviceType as Mouse or Touch, it doesn't allow to detect the PointerEntered or PointerPressed to perform zoom after draw a path. If we set the InkPresenter's InputDeviceType as None we can use the above events to perform zoom.
For that, I am changing the InkPresenter's InputDeviceType as Mouse or Touch in grid's PointerEntered event and change the InkPresenter's InputDeviceType as None in InkPresenter's StrokeCollected event. This is properly working when i am trying to draw a path using mouse, but it does not work on Touch.
C# - Events
private void InkPresenter_StrokesCollected(InkPresenter sender, InkStrokesCollectedEventArgs args)
canvas.InkPresenter.InputDeviceTypes = Windows.UI.Core.CoreInputDeviceTypes.None;
private void Grid_PointerEntered(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
canvas.InkPresenter.InputDeviceTypes =
Windows.UI.Core.CoreInputDeviceTypes.Mouse |
Windows.UI.Core.CoreInputDeviceTypes.Pen | Windows.UI.Core.CoreInputDeviceTypes.Touch;
Please find the POC sample.
Sample : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wT9MvnJyXWR91ifUV3tJZJIaNluhfyK_
It is looking framework level issue. Anyone confirm this.?