@abhishekbohra-1763 Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A platform.
For data resiliency with Data Lake Storage Gen2, it is recommended to geo-replicate your data via GRS or RA-GRS that satisfies your HA/DR requirements. Additionally, you should consider ways for the application using Data Lake Storage Gen2 to automatically fail over to the secondary region through monitoring triggers or length of failed attempts, or at least send a notification to admins for manual intervention. Keep in mind that there is tradeoff of failing over versus waiting for a service to come back online.

For protection against regional outages, configure your account for geo-redundant storage, with or without the option of read access from the secondary region:
Microsoft recommends RA-GZRS for maximum availability and durability for your applications.
Geo-redundant storage (GRS) or geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS) copies your data asynchronously in two geographic regions that are at least hundreds of miles apart. If the primary region suffers an outage, then the secondary region serves as a redundant source for your data. You can initiate a failover to transform the secondary endpoint into the primary endpoint.
Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS) or read-access geo-zone-redundant storage (RA-GZRS) provides geo-redundant storage with the additional benefit of read access to the secondary endpoint. If an outage occurs in the primary endpoint, applications configured for read access to the secondary and designed for high availability can continue to read from the secondary endpoint.
Microsoft automatically failover to the secondary region when problem occurs in primary regions and customers cannot controll the failure from primary region to secondary region.
Note: In Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Customer controlled failover is not supported for your primary and secondary region.
We are working on customer-controlled failover for both disaster and DR drill scenarios.
I would suggest you to vote up an idea submitted by another Azure customer.
Ability to manually initiate failover on Geo-Redundant storage accounts (GRS & RA-GRS)
All of the feedback you share in these forums will be monitored and reviewed by the Microsoft engineering teams responsible for building Azure.
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.
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