Hi Ryan
Yes we are aware of VNet peering to connect VNets. What we need here is an outbound connection from Azure App Service, where there is no VNet as such - to a VNet in a different subscription. Is it possible to:
a) Use VNet Integration to connect the app to a VNet in the same SubA b) peer from that VNet to a VNet in the other SubB c) From the app, access the service on the VNet in SubB via the peered connection?
Maybe thats what you're recommending here? Can it be done?
Thanks Padraig
If you're wanting to use an outbound connection, then you should be able to reference SvcA/SubB by simply requesting svca.azurewebsites.net/*. But if you're protecting SvcA from the outside world, VNet peering is still the way to go. This link gives the steps to establish communication between different deployments/different subscriptions which I believe is your situation.
Once you establish your peering, youi can take SvcA, associate it with that VNet and only allow access through that VNet, so to answer your question; yes.