Is it possible to connect to a WSLg VAIL connnection from a different Windows logon session from the session running WSL?
Is it possible to allow permissions to connect to WSLg VAIL connection from outside the windows logon session that wsl is being run?
If running a WSL instance as a service, is it possible to connect to the RDP Server HVSession from an interactive session? I've captured the launch command
msrdc /wslg /silent /v:0C320E75-9189-4757-BC59-FAFB9A7B468B /hvsocketserviceid:00000001-FACB-11E6-BD58-64006A7986D3 /plugin:WSLDVC_PACKAGE /wslgsharedmemorypath:WSL\0C320E75-9189-4757-BC59-FAFB9A7B468B\wslg C:\Program Files\WSL\wslg.rdp
Trying to launch this command in another session on the same host results in an error (0x4).
Using WinObj I can see that the shared memory directory is located under the users session folder: Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\WSL\0C320E75-9189-4757-BC59-FAFB9A7B468B\wslg
I've tried using Winobj to grant the second user permissions to the shared memory NTObject and also used powershell to create a symlink for the shared memory area under the second users session folder but still get the same error.
Are there any permissions on the hvsocket or am I missing a simple way to access a WSLg FreeRDP hvsocket connection from a different Windows logon session?
Running the command via RunAs in the second session with the service account details does result in the command succeeding but this isn't a good solution.