There may not be any official web-based documentation as the information already exists in the Toolkit. You would install the baseline by browsing to the Scripts folder (Windows Server-2022-Security-Baseline-FINAL\Scripts) and executing Baseline-LocalInstall.ps1. If you executed it without any parameters, you would receive an error. Viewing the Powershell file and others you will notice the documentation on the available parameters. You would then re-execute the script with parameters matching your configuration.
Excerpt from that file:
Applies a Windows security configuration baseline to local group policy.
Applies a Windows security configuration baseline to local group policy.
Execute this script with one of these required command-line switches to install
the corresponding baseline:
-Win10DomainJoined - Windows 10, domain-joined
-Win10NonDomainJoined - Windows 10, non-domain-joined
-WSMember - Windows Server, domain-joined member server
-WSNonDomainJoined - Windows Server, non-domain-joined
-WSDomainController - Windows Server, domain controller
* PowerShell execution policy must be configured to allow script execution; for example,
with a command such as the following:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
* LGPO.exe must be in the Tools subdirectory or somewhere in the Path. LGPO.exe is part of
the Security Compliance Toolkit and can be downloaded from this URL:
.PARAMETER Win10DomainJoined
Installs security configuration baseline for Windows 10, domain-joined
.PARAMETER Win10NonDomainJoined
Installs security configuration baseline for Windows 10, non-domain-joined
Installs security configuration baseline for Windows Server, domain-joined member server
.PARAMETER WSNonDomainJoined
Installs security configuration baseline for Windows Server, non-domain-joined
.PARAMETER WSDomainController
Installs security configuration baseline for Windows Server, domain controller
There is an existing Microsoft Community that covers Security Baselines.