Drive Map GP not applying on some machines, no error


Good Morning,

I have an issue that I can not seem to find a cause for. Drives will map on some machines but not others. Users are in identical groups and there are no differences. Here is the config:

I have an OU called "Active Users", in this OU there is a drive map policy called "User Drive". The policy does the following:

Drive Map Drive: Y

Y: Order 1

Action: Delete

Letter: Y

Delete all starting at specified drive: Disabled

Hide Show All: No Change

Stop processing items on this extension if an error occurs on this item: No

Run in logged-on user's security context (user policy option): No

Apply once and do not reapply: No

Drive Map Drive: Y

Y: Order 2

Action: Replace

Letter: Y


Reconnect: Enabled

Use First Available: Disabled

Hide/Show Drive: Show

Hide Show All: No Change

Stop processing items on this extension if an error occurs on this item: No

Run in logged-on user's security context (user policy option): No

Remove this item when it is no longer applied: No

Apply once and do not reapply: No

When running "gpupdate /force" I get not errors. When running "gpresult /r" it shows the policy was applied successfully. Domain replication has been verified working as expected. I have manually checked all the policies on each DC's SYSVOL.

I have tried the following:

-Checking replication (working as expected)

-Checking for errors in Event Viewer (none found, says everything working as expected)

-Changed "update" in the GPO to "create" (no change)

-Changed "update" in the GPO to "replace" (no change)

-Before any changes to the GPO I manually verified the changes were reflected in each DCs SYSVOL.

-Restarted Client Machines.

-Checked for existing maps. (none found).

I am at a loss to see what the problem could be or why certain users have no issues. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Windows Server Identity and access Deploy group policy objects

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  1. Anonymous


    Thank you for posting in the Microsoft Community Forums.

    To troubleshoot the issue of drive mapping policy not being applied to certain computers, you can follow the troubleshooting documentation below:

    Scenario guide: GPO to map network drive doesn't apply as expected - Windows Client | Microsoft Learn

    I hope the information above is helpful.

    Best regards

    Yanhong Liu

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