Good Morning,
I have an issue that I can not seem to find a cause for. Drives will map on some machines but not others. Users are in identical groups and there are no differences. Here is the config:
I have an OU called "Active Users", in this OU there is a drive map policy called "User Drive". The policy does the following:
Drive Map Drive: Y
Y: Order 1
Action: Delete
Letter: Y
Delete all starting at specified drive: Disabled
Hide Show All: No Change
Stop processing items on this extension if an error occurs on this item: No
Run in logged-on user's security context (user policy option): No
Apply once and do not reapply: No
Drive Map Drive: Y
Y: Order 2
Action: Replace
Letter: Y
Reconnect: Enabled
Use First Available: Disabled
Hide/Show Drive: Show
Hide Show All: No Change
Stop processing items on this extension if an error occurs on this item: No
Run in logged-on user's security context (user policy option): No
Remove this item when it is no longer applied: No
Apply once and do not reapply: No
When running "gpupdate /force" I get not errors. When running "gpresult /r" it shows the policy was applied successfully. Domain replication has been verified working as expected. I have manually checked all the policies on each DC's SYSVOL.
I have tried the following:
-Checking replication (working as expected)
-Checking for errors in Event Viewer (none found, says everything working as expected)
-Changed "update" in the GPO to "create" (no change)
-Changed "update" in the GPO to "replace" (no change)
-Before any changes to the GPO I manually verified the changes were reflected in each DCs SYSVOL.
-Restarted Client Machines.
-Checked for existing maps. (none found).
I am at a loss to see what the problem could be or why certain users have no issues. Any suggestions would be appreciated.