With a little bit of fiddling around, Windows.Data.Xml is available. IIRC, this wraps MSXML, so that is always another option.
One important point to note, even though this is a WinRT component, this is usable in desktop applications without any major issue. To make it really easy, C++/WinRT can be used. There is one very important point to be made though, this can have some unintended consequences with MFC applications, and it often better to place this functionality in a separate DLL. First, C++/WinRT changes some settings to make MIDL capable of compiling WinRT IDL files, if your application is creating COM components then this will have an effect. Secondly, if anything is directly or indirectly including Windows.Globalization.h then this will cause compiler errors when included alongside the MFC headers. There are ways around it, but it is better to just separate the functionality.