1 FilesystemIsReadOnly: Node condition ReadonlyFilesystem is now: True, reason: FilesystemIsReadOnly, message: "EXT4-fs (sda1): Remounting filesystem read-only" - This error in AKS cluster -
Satish Chandra Akella
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1 FilesystemIsReadOnly: Node condition ReadonlyFilesystem is now: True, reason: FilesystemIsReadOnly, message: "EXT4-fs (sda1): Remounting filesystem read-only" -
This error in AKS cluster - doesn't autoscale of Azure Kubernetes cluster takes care of the nodes that are not healthy. If AKS doesn't, we have backend Virtual machine scalesets - at that level the node should be removed and a healthy node should be added is it.
If the node goes to FilesystemReadonly - Should we drain the node and move resources to fix the issue ?
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