Hi Azar,
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Go to Azure Marketplace and click on get it from Azure Platform
Create a VM in the azure with required system configurations and download the Commvault software.
- Choose the CommServe, Media Agent, and Client software for the installation.
- Commvault installation package to the Azure VM.
- Ensure that Commvault licensing is configured correctly.
- Commvault provides a single platform to back up, migrate, archive, and move data to Azure.
Follow the below steps to install the CommVault on the Windows VM:
- Downloading the Commvault software using the CommCell Console
- From the CommCell Console, on the Tools tab click Add ---Download software
- If you want to download the LTS, select Upgrade to Latest Release
- Click Advanced and on the Operating system tab, select the OS of the computer where you plan to install the software.
- By default, the CommCell Console downloads the Commvault Software binaries for Windows x64.
- To perform the download immediately, click OK.
Please follow the below document for your reference:
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