Your account has been unsuspended. Some of your posts were mistakenly detected as spam.
One thing to note is sometimes when you post an answer or comment it may not show up immediately. When this happens, you can try to refresh the page immediately after submitting to see if your answer/comment shows and/or try switching to a different sorting on the page.
For example, instead of having it sort answers by Most helpful (the default) try switching to Newest/Oldest and then check to see if your answer/comment displays by navigating around the question/answers.
If switching sorting doesn't make it appear it is best to give it time and check back later. If possible you want to avoid creating duplicates since that will make it more likely for your account to be suspended, even though you didn't do anything wrong. It is very rare for an answer/comment not to successfully post, even though it may not show up instantly like it should.
Please click Accept Answer and upvote if the above was helpful.