Let me help you and will take a step at a time:
- Step 1: Open Azure Portal and Create a new Resource group.
- Step 2: Create an Azure Blob storage resource.
- Step 3: Create an Azure Cognitive Search resource.
- Create an Index and Name it
- Step 4: Create an Azure OpenAI resource.
- You need to create an AI Foundry resource in Azure portal
- Then create a "Project" and it will create HUB etc..for you during the creation
- Deploy your model using the deployment wizard which I believe you have already done that
- On the project page, you will see My Assets and second link : Data + Indexes
- This is where you will link the Index to the AI Foundry for RAG
The link may help even though it's for pre-AI Foundry, steps remain the same, the UI has changed a little with AI Foundry.