Hi @Tyler
According to your case description, you can't sign in to your Microsoft account.
This can usually be identified by the Sign-in helper tool. Sign-in Helper
The tool will ask you to enter the email address or mobile phone number you used when trying to sign in and check the details you provided. If it detects a problem with your account, it will tell you what actions you need to take to resolve the problem. If no problems are detected, it will also guide you through how to help yourself.
- If you know your username but it's not recognized anymore, read My username has stopped working. You may need to recover your account: Select "Recover account" and type the email address you used when signing in.
- If you see an error that says "We couldn't find an account with that username" or "account doesn't exist" use the Sign-in Helper tool.
If these still don't solve your problem, contacting phone support and letting them help you recover your account is the best option.
Customer service phone numbers
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