The error is due to an issue with the bearer token used to authenticate your Apple Enterprise account in Visual Studio 2022. Try following below mentioned steps:**
Steps to resolve:
- Check Bearer Token Expiry:
Apple’s API authentication tokens expire after a certain period. Generate a new one.
- Generate a New Bearer Token:
Go to Apple Developer.
Navigate to Keys under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
Create a new Auth Key if needed.
Download and securely store the .p8 file.
- Configure Visual Studio Properly:
In Tools → Options → Xamarin → Apple Accounts, remove and re-add your account.
Use the new bearer token.
- Ensure Xcode and macOS Are Updated:
Since you are pairing with a Mac, ensure Xcode is fully updated.
Restart both Windows and macOS.
- Check Your Team ID & Key ID:
The Auth Key requires a Key ID and Team ID to work.
Verify that they are correctly entered in Visual Studio.
- Firewall and Network Check:
Make sure no firewall or VPN is blocking authentication requests to Apple.
If the issue persists, try using Apple ID authentication instead of an API key to sign in.
1. Generate a JWT Bearer Token
---Python Script for Generating Apple Bearer Token---
import jwt # Install with pip install pyjwt
import time
Required Details (Replace these with your actual details)
KEY_ID = "YOUR_KEY_ID" # Found in Apple Developer → Keys section
TEAM_ID = "YOUR_TEAM_ID" # Your Apple Developer Team ID
PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = "AuthKey_YOUR_KEY_ID.p8" # Path to your private key file
ISSUER = TEAM_ID # The Team ID is also used as Issuer
Generate JWT Token
def generate_apple_jwt():
with open(PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, "r") as key_file:
private_key = key_file.read()
payload = {
"iss": ISSUER,
"iat": int(time.time()),
"exp": int(time.time()) + 3600, # Token valid for 1 hour
"aud": "appstoreconnect-v1"
headers = {
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": KEY_ID
token = jwt.encode(payload, private_key, algorithm="ES256", headers=headers)
return token
# Generate and print the token
bearer_token = generate_apple_jwt()
print("Generated Bearer Token:", bearer_token)
- Use the Token in Visual Studio
After running the script, you’ll get a bearer token. Use it in Visual Studio:
- Open Visual Studio.
- Go to Tools → Options → Xamarin → Apple Accounts.
- Click Add Apple Account.
- Select Use API Key instead of Apple ID.
- Enter:
- Issuer ID (Your Team ID)
- Key ID (Found in Apple Developer Portal under Keys)
- Generated Bearer Token
- Click OK and try signing in again.
- Debugging Issues
If you still get an error:
- Ensure your private key (.p8) file is correctly referenced.
- Make sure the token is not expired (iat and exp values in the script).
- Double-check that the Key ID and Team ID are correct.
- Ensure your account has Admin or Developer permissions on the Apple Developer portal.
please review my answer and let me know if need any further help.