Hi everyone, I have a question regarding cross-tenant utilization and MCM (Microsoft Configuration Manager ).
We have the following setup:
- Domain A: An on-premises domain where we want to implement MCM.
- Domain B: An Azure domain with Microsoft 365 licenses.
- All the clients in Domain A use their Domain A user IDs to log in to their computers and access Microsoft 365 apps.
If we want to configure MCM in Domain A to utilize Domain B's Client Management Licenses (CMLs), we need to establish a trust between these two domains. After creating a two-way trust between the two forests, the following questions arise:
- In Domain A, users authenticate with their Domain A credentials to log in to computers. If we assign them Microsoft 365 email and apps from Domain B, is this authentication sufficient for MCM to utilize the required CMLs from Domain B?
Could you please provide key configuration steps for setting up MCM in this scenario?
- Can MCM operate entirely within Domain A, or does it need to connect to Domain B on Azure?
- What are the specific requirements to enable this setup?
Thank you!