Got it, Thanks for the response. Please find the below answers.
Q1) Maybe from Windows Event?
A) The steps which I have provided by using from Windows Event, As per your Request from Automation you can achieve this by creating Hybrid Runbook Worker
- Create run book and add the provided script .
Please find the Reference below for script.
Q2) Will Azure Monitoring Agent be able to get this type of information?
A) Yes, you can collect the logs. Windows Defender writes logs in the Application log. You can also enable additional logging features for reference. See the details below:
The below script is for reference, Modify as per your Requirement
| where Source == "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender" or Source == "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender Antivirus"
| where EventID in (1006, 1010, 2001, 5007)
| project TimeGenerated, EventID, Source, RenderedDescription, Computer
| order by TimeGenerated desc
Please find the Reference MS doc below.
let us know if any help, we will always help as you needed.!
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