Error while creating SkillSet for RAG application using Azure AI services, Python. Error: HttpResponseError: () Skillsets require a valid 'all-in-one' Cognitive Services key
I am using RAG tutorial to create SkillSet using Python code:
I created Azure AI Services and referring the Cogntive services and its key in the configuration, when I execute the code, I am getting below error.
HttpResponseError: () Skillsets require a valid 'all-in-one' Cognitive Services key. Provided key is of type AIServices.S0
Solution/Configuration details:
All the required services, Azure OpenAI, Azure AI Search, Azure AI Services, Azure Blob are in the same region (east US).
When I created Azure AI services I had only one option to selected Standard tier, not sure if it has any other tier as well?
Below is the error, please help me if you have encountered this error and whats the solution to fix this.
HttpResponseError: () Skillsets require a valid 'all-in-one' Cognitive Services key. Provided key is of type AIServices.S0