I'm guessing that there are no results because I'm doing something wrong in the "While" clause. Anyone have suggestions as to what I might do to fix this?
Use the Visual Studio debugger to step through your code and make sure the List<MovieInfo> has data.
I noticed you have a try...catch that writes to the console which could be hiding exceptions unless you are checking the console for messages. Perhaps your code is throwing an exception which is causing the zero results. It might be easier to remove the try...catch for now so any exceptions are displayed in the browser.
Lastly, what kind of ASP.NET application are you building; Web Forms, MVC, Web API?
Is there any way you can show use the code render the HTML or returns JSON/XML?
In Web Forms we need to see where you are binding List<MovieInfo> to data bound control. In MVC you would be passing a List<MovieInfo> model to a view. We need the controller and view.