Hi @Sejune Oh
Thanks for the question and using MS Q&A platform.
1.Yes, that's correct. When you delete and recreate an Azure Search index, the replicas are also deleted along with the primary index.
2.Replicas are full copies of the parent index, including both its schema and data. They are tightly coupled to the parent index.
When the parent index is deleted, all associated replicas must also be deleted to ensure consistency.
3.when recreating the index using the push method, you will need to:
Recreate the index.
Push your data into the new index.
Explicitly reconfigure the replicas.
Update or rebuild an index - Azure AI Search | Microsoft Learn
4.Using the Push method:
After recreating the index, you'll need to explicitly add back the replicas. This requires reconfiguring the replica count in your index settings.
5.Switching to using an Indexer:
The indexer helps maintain replicas more easily during updates. It will automatically keep the replicas synchronized. You won't need to manually recreate replicas each time.
references: Indexer overview - Azure AI Search | Microsoft Learn
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