How to use Azure App Service Auth in web app to control blob access
Hi, hoping someone can help me with some gaps in my understanding of how to use the azure app service authentication component. I'm trying to write a simple web app (in this case python) that allows a user to login, chose a container and upload a blob. The containers available should be constrained by the signed in users access
What I currently have
My web app is published to Azure and running. The BlobServiceClient is being constructed using DefaultAzureCredential() and so to do this I've enabled system assigned identity in the web app and granted it blob access. At this point, only users assigned to the enterprise app can sign in (great) but the list of containers available and the upload itself are being performed as the managed identity (not great)
I'm sort of confused as to what I need to do to get to my end goal. I've seen a couple of roughly similar scenarios (function apps) using two app registrations and user_impersonation but I didn't fully understand the reasoning or logic. I've also wondered whether I can use AppServiceAuthSession cookie to build the credential for the blob client but my googling hasn't got me that far. I believe I can do this via standard MSAL libraries but I was hoping the Azure auth service would make things even easier.
I should point out I'm primarily a sys admin not a developer
Any guidance much appreciated