Hi Joshua Chung,
Thank you for reaching out to us on the Microsoft Q&A forum.
To be eligible for an Azure credit offer, you must have utilized at least 50% of your previously granted Azure credits. If less than 50% of your credits have been used, you may not qualify for the next tier of Azure credit offers.
Additionally, business verification is required to request additional Azure credits. This process typically takes seven business days, so it is advisable to initiate the verification at least one month in advance to ensure all necessary documentation is prepared and submitted on time.
If the eligibility criteria, including the 50% credit consumption, are not met, you may not qualify for additional credits. However, this does not mean you will lose your existing benefits, which can continue to be utilized until they expire.
However, if you encounter any issues related to your account or credits, the support team will be happy to assist you.
Please open a support ticket with the Founders Hub support team by following these steps: https://foundershub.startups.microsoft.com/signup?drawer_open=true please click on "Support" on this page to submit support ticket.
Please reach out to us if you have any other queries.
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