We have the same problem on server 2019
Outlook's Microsoft Loop components can work on Windows Server 2019? - "Loop components cannot be created at the moment. Please try again later."

Hello everyone,
I should point out that I had already reported the problem to the Loop community, but the moderator suggested that it would be better to report it here. So if you see more posts about this problem, this is the reason.
For the last week I've been struggling to understand why, in a Citrix environment, Outlook's Microsoft Loop components are not working.
When I click on the Insert tab in a new message and then on Pool (or other loop components), I get a message saying "Loop components cannot be created at this time. Please try again later":
After many tests I found out that the problem is simpler:
On Windows Server 2019, the loop components don't work.
On Windows Server 2022, the loop components work:
I've searched if Microsoft Loop need some prerequisite to work, if Windows 2019 is supported, but unfortunately I'vent find any information about.
Does anyone have any information that can help me understand if it is possible to run the Loop's components in Outlook on Windows Server 2019?