Network latency between Azure Global VNet Peering
Hi Team, I have a scenario below. Users at the East US site access the webpage which is hosted on a Citrix Netscaler in the Central US region. Users from the East US site connect in multiple ways, through VPN or AVD environment to access the webpage. Both the sites are connected through Azure Global VNet peering.
Users in the Central US location can access the site without any drops or network latency smoothly, which could be because the webpage is hosted on the same site. However, when users access the webpage from the East US site from either VPN/AVD environments they can access the webpage but the connectivity frequently and intermittently drops and restores automatically, at times the latency is too high while accessing the webpage.
Can you guide me to isolate the issue and confirm whether it is Azure Firewall/ Global VNet peering/ application side issue? In case the issue is at the East US site what can be done to fix these network issues?
Below is the flow of how users connect to the webpage.
East US users ---> VPN/AVD ---> Az. Workload VNet----> Route to Azure Firewall VNet----> Global VNet peering between Azure Firewall VNet and Central US VNet---> Citrix Netscaler (Webpage)