There isn't one.
Once an application is installed on a device, it is the device which has that application, not the user (based on inventory available to Configmgr).
What you likely want to do is make device collections, where for example...
Installed Software.ProductName = 'Widgets' and InstalledSoftware.ProductVersion < '2' (where I'm guessing that the intent is to target to that collection "install version 2 of Widgets, since they already have Widgets, but it is less than version 2, therefore they should upgrade).
You can additionally deploy Widgets version 2.0 to a user-based collection, and rely on Application Detection logic to confirm if "already done" or not. But that user-based collection would simply contain either the single usergroup for "YourDomain\DeservesWidgetsGroup", or individual usernames that you somehow magically elsewhere know 'these individuals deserve Widgets'.