In the EnumDevices function I posted in your other question, you can add the other columns (you must add them too in DeviceInfo class and in the test to add devices (devices.Add(device), to check all columns)
New keys for columns (that I have in Windows 10, command 'shell:NetworkPlacesFolder', then Display menu, Details, to choose columns (right-click on columns headers)) :
Public Shared ReadOnly PKEY_NetworkLocation As New PROPERTYKEY(New Guid("28636aa6-953d-11d2-b5d6-00c04fd918d0"), 4)
Public Shared ReadOnly PKEY_NetworkProvider As New PROPERTYKEY(New Guid("28636aa6-953d-11d2-b5d6-00c04fd918d0"), 31)
Public Shared ReadOnly PKEY_Devices_IpAddress As New PROPERTYKEY(New Guid("656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD"), 12297)
Public Shared ReadOnly PKEY_Devices_PhysicalAddress As New PROPERTYKEY(New Guid("656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD"), 12294)
Public Shared ReadOnly PKEY_Computer_Workgroup As New PROPERTYKEY(New Guid("5cde9f0e-1de4-4453-96a9-56e8832efa3d"), 2)
New variables for columns in the function :
Dim sIpAddress As String = Nothing
Dim vVariantIpAddress As Object = Nothing
Dim pkIpAddress As PROPERTYKEY = PROPERTYKEY.PKEY_Devices_IpAddress
hr = pNetworkFolder2.GetDetailsEx(pidlChild, pkIpAddress, vVariantIpAddress)
If (hr = HRESULT.S_OK) Then
If TypeOf vVariantIpAddress Is Array Then
Dim stringArray As String() = TryCast(vVariantIpAddress, String())
If stringArray IsNot Nothing Then
For Each str As String In stringArray
If (sIpAddress = Nothing) Then sIpAddress = str Else sIpAddress += "; " + str
End If
End If
End If
Dim sPhysicalAddress As String = Nothing
Dim vVariantPhysicalAddress As Object = Nothing
Dim pkPhysicalAddress As PROPERTYKEY = PROPERTYKEY.PKEY_Devices_PhysicalAddress
hr = pNetworkFolder2.GetDetailsEx(pidlChild, pkPhysicalAddress, vVariantPhysicalAddress)
If (hr = HRESULT.S_OK) Then
sPhysicalAddress = vVariantPhysicalAddress
End If
Dim sNetWorkProvider As String = Nothing
Dim vVariantNetWorkProvider As Object = Nothing
Dim pkNetWorkProvider As PROPERTYKEY = PROPERTYKEY.PKEY_NetworkProvider
hr = pNetworkFolder2.GetDetailsEx(pidlChild, pkNetWorkProvider, vVariantNetWorkProvider)
If (hr = HRESULT.S_OK) Then
sNetWorkProvider = vVariantNetWorkProvider
End If
Dim sComputerWorkgroup As String = Nothing
Dim vVariantComputerWorkgroup As Object = Nothing
Dim pkComputerWorkgroup As PROPERTYKEY = PROPERTYKEY.PKEY_Computer_Workgroup
hr = pNetworkFolder2.GetDetailsEx(pidlChild, pkComputerWorkgroup, vVariantComputerWorkgroup)
If (hr = HRESULT.S_OK) Then
sComputerWorkgroup = vVariantComputerWorkgroup
End If
Dim sNetWorkLocation As String = Nothing
Dim vVariantNetWorkLocation As Object = Nothing
Dim pkNetWorkLocation As PROPERTYKEY = PROPERTYKEY.PKEY_NetworkLocation
hr = pNetworkFolder2.GetDetailsEx(pidlChild, pkNetWorkLocation, vVariantNetWorkLocation)
If (hr = HRESULT.S_OK) Then
sNetWorkLocation = vVariantNetWorkLocation
End If