Hello, @Rony Pinto Menares,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A platform!
Before answering your question, I need to apologize to you that your case was not added with a new Tag until today, so I just saw it and replied at the first time, please understand the inconvenience caused.
I have reviewed the screenshot of the alert you provided and your associated configuration. Due to the poor font clarity of the configurations, I can only answer your question from the alert message.
About the alert message you received, yes, that's correct. When a user creates a booking, the tenant admin will receive an email alert titled "An informational alert has been triggered. Creation of forwarding/redirect rule." This alert is generated when someone in your organization creates an inbox rule that forwards or redirects messages to another email account. This helps admins monitor and manage potential security risks associated with email forwarding rules.
If you want to manage these alerts, it is advisable for you to get some information by visiting https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/purview/alert-policies#manage-alerts.
If the answer is helpful please click on ACCEPT ANSWER as it could help other members of the Microsoft Q&A community who have similar questions and are looking for solutions.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Best Wishes,
Alex Zhang