Hi Ajeet kumar,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform! Thank you for asking your question here.
The error "Assessment failed due to this reason: Operation has timed out" with HRESULT 0x8024402C typically indicates issues with the Windows Update API or network connectivity. Follow these steps to resolve it:
Make sure the machine can access Windows Update and Azure Update Management endpoints, such as https://*.update.microsoft.com.
Network Configuration for Azure Automation.
Verify the wuauserv service is running and Windows Update settings are correct. If using WSUS, ensure the server URL is not malformed.
Uninstall and reinstall the Azure Update Management extension:
az connectedmachine extension delete --name Microsoft.CPlat.Core.WindowsPatchExtension --machine-name <ArcServerName>
az connectedmachine extension set --name Microsoft.CPlat.Core.WindowsPatchExtension --machine-name <ArcServerName>
Confirm the machine meets the requirements for Azure Update Management.
Update Management prerequisites.
For more details, refer to Troubleshoot Azure Update Management Center, Plan your Update Management deployment.
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