Thats not a supported attribute to filter on for dynamic groups:
Using employeeType for Dynamic Group membership
We have custom AD Connect rule created where we are synchronizing employeeType from AD On Premises to Azure AD. We had the rule created about 2 years ago. We see employeeType in Azure AD GUI for each employee, no issues there. Now we are trying to create Dynamic Group and pull all the employees with employeeType = Employee, but for some reason it only sees the value of that field for one person. For everyone else that field is coming up as blank, even though that field is populated for everyone in AD and Azure AD. Any ideas why that is?
1 additional answer
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Andy David - MVP 153.7K Reputation points MVP
2024-10-15T21:55:39.1766667+00:00 You should have not needed to do that. What version of Entra connect are you on? The EmployeeType attribute is synced by default over a year and a half ago:
I can't tell you why it works for one account, but its not supported to use that attribute right now. :(
I dont see that as an option when I create a dynamic group in the portal.