Minimum requirement for AKS EE k3S is 4 cores with 16 GB of memory for AIO 1.0.9 deployment. Recommendation is to use 8 cores with 32 GB. Unfortunately you'll have to change the provide Powershell script manually. AKS EE support is still in preview, but I've managed to get it working on an Azure VM and Intel NUC machine.
Azure IoT Operations deployment fails with Helm error
Richard Jones
Reputation points
I created an AKS EE K3s cluster on my local machine and successfully connected it to Azure Arc. All checks pass for the IoT Operations deployment, but it failed with the following error. Any guidance on what to check will be appreciated.
"code": "ExtensionOperationFailed",
"message": "The extension operation failed with the following error: Error: [ InnerError: [Helm installation failed : : InnerError [release azure-iot-operations-sajkr failed, and has been uninstalled due to atomic being set: failed post-install: 1 error occurred:\n\t* job failed: BackoffLimitExceeded\n\n]]] occurred while doing the operation : [Create] on the config, For general troubleshooting visit:, For more application specific troubleshooting visit: Please reach out to Microsoft tech care if you need help with debugging the problems with your extension resource.",
"additionalInfo": []
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Richard Jones 20 Reputation points
2024-09-10T13:53:04.9566667+00:00 In the end I re-deployed the AKS EE cluster using the (recommended) PowerShell script. This has worked but does beg the question if people are going to deploy to a CNCF conformant K*s cluster what the difference was.