The only reason I'm not swearing int this thread is because my post would get deleted. There are people asking the same questions. Microsoft, WE KNOW you're pushing out windows 11 without user conscent. "Without your permission, Windows 10 will not be automatically upgraded to Windows 11". I never gave you permision to update my system to windows 11.
This morning I came back to my laptop (Which I manually downgraded to windows 10 when I bought it almost a year ago which I factory reseted once in the time being about 2 months ago).
For some twisted reason, I noticed that windows 11 is downloading. Well, then, I searched how to disable the update and so on, but nothing seemed to work, because windows update wasn't located in the registry editor (I have to wonder why at this point) and both task scheduler and services kept reverting to their previous settings.
So I let it update after I back up my data (hoping your godforsaken updates wouldn't brick my data) and I IMMEDIATELY reverted back to windows 10. Peace was aquired. Or so I thought, because NOW AT 3 AM, I GET ANOTHER NOTIFICATION, THAT MY WINDOWS 11 IS READY TO BE INSTALLED.
I Am Not Taking "HmmmMmmmM AKCHTCHUALLY WIthOuT YouR PERMissiOn, WinDOwS 10 WilL NOt Be AUtomatIcaLLy upGraded TO wiNdoWs 11" for an answer
This Is Going Public Otherwise.
This is a promise.
The fact that you're reading this means that you should IMMEDIATELY take action.
My next "upgrade" as you guys call it over at silicon valley may be going straight to LINUX, because I am clearly not the owner of my own PERSONAL COMPUTER.
Sincerly. God bless the biological man or a woman who will have to read and review this.