Hey, I have been following the instructions provided in the link below.
my python code :
import qsharp
import azure.quantum
workspace = azure.quantum.Workspace(
resource_id = "myActualId",
location = "location"
qsharp.init(project_root = '/myrootfolder')
MyProgram = qsharp.compile("Sample.RandomNBits(4)")
MyTarget = workspace.get_targets("rigetti.sim.qvm")
job = MyTarget.submit(MyProgram, "MyPythonJob", shots=10)
results = job.get_results()
print("\nResults: ", results)
My source.qs file:
namespace Sample {
operation Random() : Result {
use q = Qubit();
let result = M(q);
return result
operation RandomNBits(N: Int): Result[] {
mutable results = [];
for i in 0 .. N - 1 {
let r = Random();
set results += [r];
return results
I'm Getting the following error :
ll_str = get_interpreter().qir(entry_expr)
module.QSharpError: Qsc.Resolve.NotFound
× name error
╰─▶ RandomNBits
not found
1 │ Sample.RandomNBits(4)
· ───────────
× type error
╰─▶ insufficient type information to infer type
1 │ Sample.RandomNBits(4)
· ─────────────────────
help: provide a type annotation Thanks for your help in advance ,