The problem is dire.
There is no way to pg_dump
and pg_restore
a database with TimescaleDB
enabled, because of the following error:
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: permission denied for schema _timescaledb_internal LINE 1: CREATE TABLE _timescaledb_internal._hyper_7_11_chunk
And the reason is obvious - Azure gives the ownership of timescaledb schemas to azuresu
Name | Owner
_timescaledb_cache | azuresu
_timescaledb_catalog | azuresu
_timescaledb_config | azuresu
_timescaledb_internal | azuresu
my_schema | my_azure_pg_admin_user
public | azuresu
timescaledb_experimental | azuresu
timescaledb_information | azuresu
while the restore has to create tables (the chunks) inside _timescaledb_internal
I consider this a BUG IN AZURE and believe this must have changed recently.
I looked into some of my older installations and this is what I found:
Name | Owner
_timescaledb_cache | my_user
_timescaledb_catalog | my_user
_timescaledb_config | my_user
_timescaledb_internal | my_user
my_schema | my_user
public | azuresu
timescaledb_experimental | my_user
timescaledb_information | my_user
Azure used to give the ownership of timescaldb-specific schemas to the user who enabled the extension inside the database:
but it is not the case anymore.
Any solution, idea, or advice to overcome the issue?