99.9% of the time this is due to a missing Style or StyleClass reference using StaticResources. This is truely a whomping pain in the neck since there is NO WARNING during debug that this is an issue. It only appears when detached debugger or release builds. TRULY A BIG MISSING FEATURE for the build to tell me that a StaticResource does not exist...then just crash on load with NO ERROR REPORTING.
MAUI app crashing with release mode. Works fine with debud mode ?
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MAUI app crashes with release mode. Works fine with debug mode.
Targeting .net run time is .net 7.0. We are using a few syncfusion controls in our application. Those nuggets were up to date till now.
Here are the crash details:
System.MethodAccessException: Method `Syncfusion.Maui.Core.SfView.Add(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View)' is inaccessible from method xyz.
Any suggestions on this, please.